The Champernowne  Gathering

How do we celebrate half a century of outstanding service to Jungian Psychotherapy and the Arts?


Wilson in Number 10. Nixon in the White House.
Moon landings – Woodstock  – Beatles on the roof…

Irene Champernowne founds the Champernowne Trust –
leading to 50 years of service 
in particular to Jungian Psychotherapy and the Arts.

In 1970 the first Champernowne Summer Course is held, and a rich tradition is begun.


In these fifty years, how many have been helped to receive the therapy they needed ?

How many practitioners have had the opportunity – in the words of Irene Champernowne herself –
of “recharging their batteries”,
  “taking in” for themselves, instead of the “giving out” they were involved in for the rest of the year,
and experiencing, personally, the integrating power of creativeness.”

Surely something to celebrate. But how?

A more publicity conscious organisation would have been planning this for years. At Champernowne, we are only just coming to appreciate the significance of our history and tradition, with the establishment of the Champernowne Archive at Sheffield University, and the Champernowne Library at Frome.

It is not too late to make the year leading up to the 2020 Summer Course (#SC2020) one of celebration and renewal. How can we do this? Events, Publications, Courses?

Send us your ideas and suggestions – serious and frivolous – for celebrating this noble anniversary…

And what about the next fifty years…?

Share your thoughts via  emailFacebook, Twitter, LinkedInInstagram
